Benefits To Live-In Care
Stay In The Comfort Of Your Own Home
Moving at any age is stressful. Your loved one has lived in their home for many years and for them to have to leave is not only stressful on them but on the family as well. No matter your loved ones condition, there is no need for them to leave their home thanks to Care Plus More.

Our caregivers become a member of the family and make sure that your loved one is taken care of day and night 365 days a year.
Lower Cost Than A Nursing Home
Most people believe that 24 hour live-in care is a great option but it is too expensive. This is a common misconception! In reality, having your loved one stay in the comfort of their own home is actually a lot more cost effective for most families. Click the button below to see our frequently asked questions to learn even more about live-in care.

One On One Personal Care With An Expert
Nursing homes and hourly care facilities do their best to give attention to the clients but with the workers trying to help dozens of people at a time while constantly switching shifts they can't give your loved one the attention they need. Our caregiver's only job is to care for your loved one and no one else. They become not only friends but a part of the family.